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Jacobs Center for Productive Youth Development


Ein wichtiges Instrument zur Förderung international führender innovativer Forschung auf der Grundlage von z-proso-Daten ist das "z-proso International Research Network" (zIReN). Dieses weltweite Netzwerk von Forschenden wurde gegründet, um Wissenschaftler*innen zusammenzubringen, die aktiv mit z-proso-Daten arbeiten und Forschungsergebnisse auf der Grundlage von z-proso veröffentlichen. Die Mitglieder sind international führende Experten in Forschungsbereichen, für die z-proso hochwertige Längsschnittdaten liefern kann.

Projektleitung z-proso

  • Manuel Eisner

    Manuel Eisner, Prof. Dr.

    • Director of the Institute of Criminology‚ Wolfson Professor of Criminology‚ and Director of the Violence Research Centre at the University of Cambridge‚ UK
    • Professor of Sociology‚ University of Zurich
    • z-proso: Initiator and Co-Project Director
    • Zurich Youth Surveys (ZYS): Initiator
  • Denis Ribeaud

    Denis Ribeaud, Dr.

    • Senior Research Associate
    • z-proso: Co-Project Director
    • Zurich Youth Surveys (ZYS): Project Director
    044 635 23 29
  • Lilly Shanahan

    Lilly Shanahan, Prof. Dr.

    • Professor of Clinical Developmental Psychology
    • Department of Psychology
    • Principal Investigator of Risk & Resilience Research Area
    • Co-Project Director z-proso

zIReN Partnerschaften am Jacobs Center

Nationale und internationale zIReN Partnerschaften

  • Timothy C.  Barnum

    Timothy C. Barnum, Dr.

    • Senior Researcher
    • Department of Criminology
    • Max Planck Institute for the Study of Crime‚ Security and Law‚ Germany
  • Tom Booth

    Tom Booth, Dr.

    • Senior Lecturer
    • School of Philosophy‚ Psychology and Language Sciences
    • University of Edinburgh‚ UK
  • Hanne Duindam

    Hanne Duindam, Prof. Dr.

    • Assistant Professor of Forensic Youth Care Sciences
    • Clinical Child and Family Studies‚ Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences
    • Utrecht University‚ Netherlands
  • David Farrington

    David Farrington, Prof. Dr.

    • Emeritus Professor of Psychological Criminology
    • Institute of Criminology
    • University of Cambridge‚ UK
  • Hugo S. Gomes

    Hugo S. Gomes, Dr.

    • Postdoctoral Researcher
    • Epidemiology Postgraduate Program
    • Human Development and Violence Research Centre (DOVE)
    • Federal University of Pelotas‚ Brazil
  • Todd Hare

    Todd Hare, Prof. Dr.

    • Associate Professor of Neuroeconomics and Human Development
    • Department of Economics
    • University of Zurich‚ Switzerland
  • Shaina  Herman

    Shaina Herman, Dr.

    • Researcher
    • Max Planck Institute for the Study of Crime‚ Security and Law‚ Germany
    • School of Criminal Justice‚ University at Albany‚ SUNY‚ USA
  • Tina Malti

    Tina Malti, Prof. Dr.

    • Professor of Psychology‚ Department of Psychology‚ University of Toronto Mississauga‚ Canada
    • Alexander von Humboldt Professorship and Director‚ Leipzig Research Center for Early Child Development‚ Leipzig University‚ Germany
  • Aja Murray

    Aja Murray, Prof. Dr.

    • Associate Professor in Psychology
    • Department of Psychology
    • University of Edinburgh‚ UK
  • Daniel Nagin

    Daniel Nagin, Prof. Dr.

    • Teresa and H. John Heinz III University Professor of Public Policy and Statistics
    • H. John Heinz III School of Public Policy and Management
    • Carnegie Mellon University‚ Pittsburgh‚ USA
  • Aimee Neaverson

    Aimee Neaverson, Dr.

    • Senior Lecturer in Criminology
    • Faculty of Arts Humanities and Social Sciences
    • Anglia Ruskin University‚ Cambridge / UK
  • Ingrid Obsuth

    Ingrid Obsuth, Dr.

    • Senior Lecturer in Clinical Psychology
    • School of Health in Social Science
    • University of Edinburgh‚ UK
  • Noemí Pereda Beltran

    Noemí Pereda Beltran, Prof. Dr.

    • Associate Professor
    • Research Group on Child and Adolescent Victimization (GReVIA)
    • University of Barcelona‚ Spain
  • Boris B. Quednow

    Boris B. Quednow, Prof. Dr.

    • Associate Professor for Experimental and Clinical Pharmacopsychology
    • Department of Adult Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
    • University Hospital of Psychiatry Zurich
    • University of Zurich‚ Switzerland
  • Heiko Rauhut

    Heiko Rauhut, Prof. Dr.

    • Full Professor of Social Theory and Quantitative Methods
    • Institute of Sociology
    • University of Zurich‚ Switzerland
  • Aaron Sell

    Aaron Sell, Prof. Dr.

    • Assistant Professor of Psychology & Criminology
    • Psychology and Criminology Department
    • Heidelberg University‚ USA
  • Giuseppe Sorrenti

    Giuseppe Sorrenti, Prof. Dr.

    • Assistant Professor in Microeconomics
    • Amsterdam School of Economics
    • University of Amsterdam‚ Netherlands
  • Annekatrin Steinhoff

    Annekatrin Steinhoff, Prof. Dr.

    • Assistant Professor
    • Medical Faculty and University Hospital of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
    • University of Bern‚ Switzerland
  • Sara Valdebenito

    Sara Valdebenito, Prof. Dr.

    • Assistant Professor in Applied Criminology and Police Management
    • Institute of Criminology
    • University of Cambridge‚ UK
  • Jean-Louis van Gelder

    Jean-Louis van Gelder, Prof. Dr. Dr.

    • Director‚ Department of Criminology‚ Max Planck Institute for the Study of Crime‚ Security and Law‚ Germany
    • Full Pro­fes­sor‚ In­sti­tu­te of Edu­ca­ti­on and Child Stu­dies‚ Lei­den Uni­ver­si­ty‚ Net­her­lands

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