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Jacobs Center for Productive Youth Development

News 2025

News list

  • Vorschaubild Rothenberg

    Talk by Dr. Guangyu Tong

    Investigating the intergenerational transmission of maladaptive family environments: Identifying developmental pathways and prevention strategies
    March 3, 2024, 14:30 h
    Andreasstrasse 15, 8050 Zurich, AND 3.46 (3rd floor)

  • Talk im Turm: "Growing up happy. What does it take?" - Prof. Dr. Nora Raschle and Prof. Dr. med. Oskar Jenni



  • New Publication by Prof. Kaspar Burger and Francesca Mele

    Professor Kaspar Burger, who is associated with the Jacobs Centre through his SNSF Eccellenza  project, is pleased to announce the publication of his latest research paper, co-authored with PhD student Francesca Mele, who is working on her dissertation as part of this SNSF Eccellenza  project.

  • Joanna Rutkowska is co-chairing COST Cross-Cutting Activity

    Joanna Rutkowska is co-chairing the latest COST Association - European Cooperation in Science and Technology Cross-Cutting Activity on career development of young researchers.