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Jacobs Center for Productive Youth Development

Prof. Kaspar Burger will give a keynote at TREE Conference

4th International TREE Conference (Transitions from Education to Employment):
Life Course in the Making.
11/12 November in Bern/Switzerland

Kaspar Burger

Prof. Kaspar Burger will give a keynote on 11 November at 4th International TREE Conference: "Life Course in the Making". The title of the talk is: "Analyzing micro-level processes and macro-level structures that shape educational trajectories".

On the occasion of its 20th anniversary and the first release of data of its 2nd cohort, the Swiss TREE (Transitions from Education to Employment) multi-cohort survey and the University of Bern co-organise the 4th International Conference on Transitions in Youth and Adulthood. The conference focuses on the multi-dimensionality, the intersectionality and the societal embeddedness of various life course stages and transitions. More information can be found here .
