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Jacobs Center for Productive Youth Development

Zoom Talk by Prof. Dr. Nils Schuhmacher

"Early Helping Behavior - Investigating the Social Origins of Early Prosocial and Moral Development"

May 21, 2021, 10:00 h

Vorschaubild Nils Schuhmacher

In this talk Dr. Schuhmacher will present a multi-method approach for investigating the social origins of early prosocial behaviours such as helping, comforting, and sharing.

Amongst others, Dr. Schuhmacher will show experimental, longitudinal and (preliminary) experience sampling data from our laboratory that shall provide convergent evidence on answering the question “How do early social experiences shape prosocial development”. These studies particularly investigate the role of prosocial modelling and parental scaffolding in the development of helping behaviour during the second year of life.

Finally, Dr. Schuhmacher will present and discuss different ideas on why early prosocial development – during toddlerhood and preschool years – is potentially connected to the emergence and development of children’s moral competencies such as moral reasoning, moral emotions, and moral decision making.


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