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Jens Heumann holds a master's degree in Sociology from the University of Bern. Prior to that, he completed a bachelor's degree in Social Work at ZHAW Zurich and worked for many years as a youth social worker.
His research interests include analytical and computational sociology, quality of life, experiments, and impact evaluation. In his master's thesis, he investigated the impact of liberalization on various poverty indicators of 16 countries in the Global South using a counterfactual framework, a refinement of the difference-in-differences method based on weighted country averages.
As a doctoral research fellow at the Jacobs Center, he studies the causal effects of victimization and perpetration of school-age bullying along with socioeconomic status on the mental and physical long-term health of young adults in an interdisciplinary setting. He is using experimental and genetic data from the Zurich Brain and Immune Gene Study (ZGIG) and panel data of the Zurich Project on the Social Development from Childhood to Adulthood (z-proso).