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Aristodemou, M.; Kievit, R.; Murray, A.; Eisner, M.; Ribeaud, D.; Fried, E. (2024). Common cause vs. dynamic mutualism: an empirical comparison of two theories of psychopathology in two large longitudinal cohorts. Clinical Psychological Science, 12(3), 380-402.
Barnum, T.; Herman, S.; van Gelder, J.-L.; Ribeaud, D.; Eisner, M.; Nagin, D. (2024). Reactive guardianship: Who intervenes? How? And why? Criminology, 62(3), 587-618.
Campo-Tena, L.; Larmour, S.; Ribeaud, D.; Eisner, M. (2024). The influence of sociocultural norms, psychological and behavioral factors, and poly-victimization at age 13 on adolescent dating violence victimization at age 17: A longitudinal analysis of multivariate predictors. Journal of Early Adolescence, 44(9: Special Issue: The Role of Early Adolescence in Subsequent Risk and Resilience), 1219-1249.
Cheng, Y.; Petrides, K.; Ushakova, A.; Ribeaud, D.; Eisner, M.; Murray, A. (2024). Predicting momentary acts of aggression: An investigation using machine learning approaches in ecological momentary assessment data. Psychology of Violence, advance online publication.
Defoe, I.; van Gelder, J.-L.; Ribeaud, D.; Eisner, M. (2024). Short-term mindsets show co-development with adolescent delinquency, but not with adolescent cannabis use. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 34(3), 857-870.
Deitzer, J.; Frankenhuis, W.; Ribeaud, D.; Eisner, M.; van Gelder, J.-L. (2024). Effect of early interactions with the police on intertemporal choice: A longitudinal study of Zurich public school students. Crime and Delinquency, advance online publication.
Eggenberger, L.; Janousch, C.; Loher, M.; Ribeaud, D.; Quednow, B. (2024). Substanzkonsum junger Menschen in der Schwei: Verbreitung, Entwicklungen und Auswirkungen. SuchtMagazin, 50(5: Junge Menschen heute), 28-35.
Ehlert, A.; Zimmermann, J.; Johann, D.; Ribeaud, D.; Eisner, M.; Baumgartner, M.; Shanahan, L.; Rauhut, H.; Quednow, B. (2024). Substance use-related alterations of social decision-making in a longitudinal cohort of young adults. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, 9(10), 1058-1065.
Ganschow, B.; Zebel, S.; van der Schalk, J.; Hershfield, H. E.; van Gelder, J.-L. (2024). Adolescent stressful life events predict future self-connectedness in adulthood. The Journal of Early Adolescence, 44(9: Special Issue: The Role of Early Adolescence in Subsequent Risk and Resilience), 1188-1218.
Janousch, C.; Eggenberger, L.; Steinhoff, A.; Johnson-Ferguson, L.; Bechtiger, L.; Loher, M.; Ribeaud, D.; Eisner, M.; Baumgartner, M.; Binz, T.; Shanahan, L.; Quednow, B. (2024). Words vs. strands: Reliability and stability of concordance rates of self-reported and hair-analyzed substance use of young adults over time. European Addiction Research, in print.
Johnson-Ferguson, L.; Shanahan, L.; Loher, M.; Bechtiger, L.; Binz, T.; Baumgartner, M.; Ribeaud, D.; Eisner, M.; Quednow, B. (2024). Higher paracetamol levels are associated with elevated glucocorticoid concentrations in hair: Findings from a large cohort of young adults. Archives of Toxicology, 98(7), 2261-2268.
Speyer, L.; Obsuth, I.; Eisner, M.; Ribeaud, D.; Murray, A. (2024). Does prosociality in early- to mid-adolescence protect against later development of antisocial behaviours? Journal of Early Adolescence, 44(9: Special Issue: The Role of Early Adolescence in Subsequent Risk and Resilience), 1124-1153.
Speyer, L.; Zhu, X.; Yang, Y.; Murray, A.; Ribeaud, D.; Eisner, M. (2024). On the importance of considering concurrent effects in random-intercept cross-lagged panel modelling: Example analysis of bullying and internalising problems. Multivariate Behavorial Research, advance online publication.
Steinhoff, A.; Bechtiger, L.; Birchler, K.; Ribeaud, D.; Eisner, M.; Quednow, B.; Shanahan, L. (2024). Cannabis use from early adolescence to the mid-twenties in children of immigrant and nonimmigrant parents: Findings from a prospective longitudinal cohort study. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, advance online publication.
Steinhoff, A.; Johnson-Ferguson, L.; Bechtiger, L.; Murray, A.; Hepp, U.; Ribeaud, D.; Eisner, M.; Shanahan, L. (2024). Early adolescent predictors of young adults’ distress and adaptive coping during the COVID-19 pandemic: Findings from a longitudinal cohort study. Journal of Early Adolescence, 44(9: Special Issue: The Role of Early Adolescence in Subsequent Risk and Resilience), 1250-1280.
Zhu, X.; Yang, Y.; Xiao, Z.; Pooley, A.; Ozdemir, E.; Speyer, L.; Leung, M.; Thurston, C.; Kwok, J.; Li, X.; Eisner, M.; Ribeaud, D.; Murray, A. (2024). Daily life affective dynamics as transdiagnostic predictors of mental health symptoms: An ecological momentary assessment study. Journal of Affective Disorders, 351, 808-817.
z-proso Team (2024). Generation z-proso: Von Schulkindern zu jungen Erwachsenen. z-proso News, Juni 2024.
Murray, A.; Yang, Y.; Zhu, X.; Speyer, L.; Brown, R.; Eisner, M.; Ribeaud, D. (2023). Respondent characteristics associated with adherence in a general population ecological momentary assessment study. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, 32(4), e1972.
Obsuth, I.; Murray, A.; Knoll, M.; Ribeaud, D.; Eisner, M. (2023). Teacher-student relationships in childhood as a protective factor against adolescent delinquency up to age 17 – a propensity score matching approach. Crime and Delinquency, 69(4), 727-755.
Shanahan, L.; Johnson-Ferguson, L.; Loher, M.; Steinhoff, A.; Bechtiger, L.; Murray, A.; Hepp, U.; Ribeaud, D.; Eisner, M. 2023). The worst and the best: New insights into risk and resilience in young adults from the COVID-19 pandemic. Adversity and Resilience Science, 4(3), 291–305.
Speyer, L. G.; Brown, R.; Ribeaud, D.; Eisner, M.; Murray, A. (2023). The role of moment-to-moment dynamics of perceived stress and negative affect in co-occurring ADHD and internalising symptoms. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 53(3), 1213–1223.
Steinhoff, A.; Bechtiger, L.; Ribeaud, D.; Eisner, M.; Shanahan, L. (2023). Self-, other-, and dual-harm during adolescence: A prospective-longitudinal study of childhood risk factors and early adult correlates. Psychological Medicine, 53(9), 3995-4003.
Steinhoff, A.; Ribeaud, D.; Eisner, M.; Shanahan, L. (2023). Developmental trajectories of self-, other-, and dual-harm across adolescence: The role of relationships with peers and teachers. Psychopathology, 56(1-2), 138-147.
Steinhoff, A.; Shanahan, L.; Bechtiger, L.; Zimmermann, J.; Ribeaud, D.; Eisner, M.; Baumgartner, M.; Quednow, B. (2023). When substance use is underreported: comparing self-reports and hair toxicology in an urban cohort of young adults. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, advance online publication.
Nivette, A., Echelmeyer, L., Weermann, F., Eisner, M., & Ribeaud, D. (2022). Understanding changes in violent extremist attitudes during the transition to early adulthood. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 38(4), 949–978.
Nivette, A., Obsuth, I., Ribeaud, D., Eisner, M. (2022). Fair teachers, fair police? Assessing the quasi-causal pathways between perceptions of teacher and police authority in childhood and adolescence. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 51(2), 193–207.
Eisner, M. (2004). Das Zürcher Interventions- und Präventionsprogramm an Schulen – zipps, z‐proso Newsletter, 1. Zürich: Pädagogisches Institut, Universität Zürich.
Eisner, M. (2004). The Zurich intervention and prevention project in schools – zipps, z‐proso Newsletter, 1. Zürich: Pädagogisches Institut, Universität Zürich.