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Jacobs Center for Productive Youth Development

Science Communication

Our team is involved in various community and outreach events on topics of the human brain, brain development, the importance of early childhood from a neuroscientific perspective or science communication. Our SNSF- and Cogito-funded science outreach initiative Growing Brains aims to generate public knowledge and create awareness around the developing brain. Furthermore, science communication includes a personal science communication blog.

Selected outreach examples include:

  • 2024: Talk by Nora Raschle on "Wieso unser Gehirn Geschichten braucht" at the SIKJM Jahrestagung [ more ]
  • 2024: Open Theatre Session discussing the topic of "Science Literacy: How the Neuroscience Community Can Contribute" at the FENS Forum 2024 in Vienna, organized by the FENS-KAVLI Network of Excellence and chaired by Nora Raschle
  • 2024: Article "Die Entstehung des sozialen Gehirns" by Nora Raschle, Elena Federici, and Sabine Gysi featured in the Marie Meierhofer Institut's magazine "undKinder", edition 113. [ more ]
  • 2024: Nora Raschle featured in the CSS customer magazine on the topic of "Youth + Dreams" with the following contributions: a double-page spread on the miracle of the brain, an interview on the superpowers of youth, a round-table discussion on the subject of “dreams throughout the course of life”, and a quiz on neuromyths. [ more ]
  • 2024: Lecture by Nora Raschle "Development & Brain" at the Gymnasium Bäumlihof Basel, organized by Volksschulen der Primarschule Hirzbrunnen
  • 2024: Talk by Nora Raschle at the Research Conference "Weinen, lachen, trotzen - Junge Kinder und ihre Emotionen" by the Marie Meierhofer Institut für das Kind [ more ]
  • 2024: Co-creation workshops Growing Brains with several school classes (Sekundarschule, Bezirksschule, Gymnasium) and at this year's [BrainFair]
  • 2023: Zukunftstag (Oerlikon and Irchel): Workshops on brain development as well as a Growing Brains co-creation workshop
  • 2023: Public workshop "Time to Socialize" by Nora Raschle at the Collegium Helveticum  [more
  • 2023: Lecture by Nora Raschle "Der Spurt nach der Geburt" as part of a series by the Volkshochschule Zürich [more
  • 2023: Presentation for "Elternbildung Wetzikon": "Development - What happens inside your head?" [more
  • 2023: 10 questions for Nora Raschle by the LIFE Newsletter [more
  • 2023: Rendez-vous. Forschende im Gespräch: Conversations on the developing brain and related topics to co-create content for our science outreach initiative Growing Brains  [more]
  • 2023: Scientifica Zurich: Joint workshop on stress and resilience with the STRESS consortium [more]
  • 2023: BrainFair Zurich: Workshops and presentation for children; participation in a discussion panel  [more]
  • 2023 - 2025: Growing Brains - a science outreach initiative [more]
  • 2022: Online Congress Early Childhoood Switzerland  [more]
  • 2022: Presentation at the ERFA Convention in Bern
  • 2022: Presentation for the Rotary Club Bern
  • 2022: Anniversary 125 years Department of Psychology UZH: Workshop for children "Insights into the brain: methods and experiments" [Website]
  • 2022: UZH Magazin 3/22, focus article on the learning brain by Roger Nickl, featuring research by our lab and others [Article on Issuu, starting page 26]
  • 2022: Café Scientifique by Life Science Zurich and Science et Cité
  • 2022: "Schweizer Jugend forscht" (member panel of experts)
  • 2021: Scientifica: "Wie lernen Mensch und Maschine?" [Website]
  • 2021: Podcast episode for SciComm Palaver [Podcast]
  • 2021: Brainfair “Manchmal braucht es MR Superhelden” (school program)
  • 2021: Brainfair, public talk in the series “Das Gehirn in Zeiten der Pandemie” [Video; starting at 0:21]
  • 2020: Chapter in the Frontiers for Young Minds Collection "Everything you and your teachers need to know about the learning brain": "The Magical Art of Magnetic Resonance Imaging to Study the Reading Brain"
  • 2019: TED-style inspirational talk at the Teacher Campus Seminar Series 2019 in Zurich [Video]
  • 2019: Science Communication workshop held at the World Conference of Science Journalists in Lausanne
  • 2019: Interview with Jacobs Foundation: "Science and Research Never Stop to Change" [PDF]
  • 2018: Video “How the brain develops, grows, and learns throughout our lives” (BOLD Blog) [Link]
  • 2017: “Fachtagung: Kindertagespflege – Starke Bildungspartner für Familien und Jugendämter“, Kassel, Germany 
  • 2017: Presentations on early brain development for Primokiz2.
  • 2017: Presentations on early brain development at the national Ready! coalition meeting in Bern.
  • 2017: Personal Video Statement – Jacobs Foundation Research Fellow [Video]
  • 2016: Interview about Paediatric Neuroimaging, University Homepage [Link]
  • 2016: Explaining Brain Research Through Star Wars, SciFive (University Blog) [Link]

The subtabs contain some of the science communication efforts conducted by Nora Raschle & team (for
