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Jacobs Center for Productive Youth Development

Covid-19-Befragung: Mehrheit der 22-Jährigen hielt sich an BAG-Empfehlungen

Die Zürcher Langzeitstudie «z-proso» hat untersucht, wie sich die Coronakrise auf das Leben junger Erwachsener in Zürich auswirkte.


Researchers from the longitudinal study z-proso have examined the effects of the Corona crisis on young adults living in Zurich. Overall, the pandemic proved to be a challenging time for the approximately 700 respondents, during which their everyday lives were temporarily thrown off course. Nevertheless, many of them succeeded in finding positive ways to deal with the challenges.

Since 2004 the “Zurich Project on the Social Development from Childhood into Adulthood” (z-proso) has followed the social development of children and youths in Zurich. In the latest survey, the z-proso research team asked around 700 participants how they experienced their everyday lives during the corona crisis. Many of these 22-year-olds find themselves in the midst of a transition phase in life. They are, for instance, facing important university exams, are just about to enter the job market, are facing financial uncertainties and/or are in social relationships, including friendships and love relationships. Thus, the pandemic has the potential to significantly impact their lives.

The main results of the three surveys from April and May 2020 are presented here (available in German only):

z-Proso News (PDF, 611 KB)

In den Medien

Kurzmeldung und Interview mit Margit Averdijk (MP3, 2 MB) (Radio 1, 20. August 2020)


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Zürcher Projekt zur sozialen Entwicklung von der Kindheit ins Erwachsenenalter