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Jacobs Center for Productive Youth Development

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  • Buchmann, M. & Grütter, J. 2024. COCON – A Multi-Cohort, Multi-Informant Panel Study: A Theoretical Framework and Key Findings for Development and Mastery of Life-Course Transitions of Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults in Switzerland. European Psychologist, online first. DOI:10.1027/1016-9040/a000508


  • Mele, Francesca, Marlis Buchmann, and Kaspar Burger. 2023. Making it to the Academic Path in a Tracked Education System: The Interplay of Individual Agency and Social Origin in Early Educational Transitions. Journal of Youth and Adolescence. Epub ahead of print. DOI: 10.1007/s10964-023-01846-y


  • Basler, Ariane & Irene Kriesi. 2022. The Development of Informal Competences Between the End of Compulsory Schooling and Early Adulthood. Swiss Journal of Sociology, 48,2:285–315
  • Dändliker, Lena, Brünecke, Isabel, Citterio, Paola, Lochmatter, Fabienne, Buchmann, Marlis, and Grütter, Jeanine. 2022. Educational concerns, health concerns and mental health during early COVID-19 school closures: The role of rerceived support by teachers, family, and friends. Frontiers in Psychology 12:1-20.DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.733683
  • Grütter, Jeanine and Marlis Buchmann. 2022. Cohort differences in the development of civic engagement during adolescence. Child Development, 00, 1-19.
  • DOI: 10.1111/cdev.13743


  • Buchmann, M., Grütter, J. and Igel, C. 2021. COCON – Swiss Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth, Longitudinal and Life Course Studies, online first, 1–14. doi: 10.1332/175795920X16062920646814
  • Grütter, J. and Buchmann, M. 2021. Developmental antecedents of young adults’ solidarity during the Covid-19 pandemic: The role of sympathy, social trust, and peer exclusion from early to late adolescence. Child Development, Vol. 92, Issue 5, Pages: 1673-1678.DOI: 10.1111/cdev.13660
  • Buchmann, M., Grütter, J., and Zuffianò, A. 2021. Parental educational aspirations and children’s academic self- concept: Disentangling state and trait components on their dynamic interplay. Child Development, 00, 1– 18. DOI: 10.1111/cdev.13645
  • Bechtiger, L. Steinhoff, A., Buchmann, M., and Shanahan, L. (2021). Developmental Associations Between Sympathy and Mutual Disclosure in Friendships from Mid-Adolescence to Early Adulthood. Journal of Youth and Adolescence online first, 1-16. DOI: 10.1111/jora.12602


  • Basler, A., Kriesi, I. and Imdorf, C. (2020). The development of gendered occupational aspirations across adolescence: Examining the role of different types of upper-secondary education. Longitudinal and Life Course Studies, online first, 1–27.DOI: 10.1332/175795920X16015782777176
  • Kriesi, I. and Basler, A. (2020). Die Entwicklung der Berufswünsche von jungen Frauen und Männern in der Schweiz. Social Change in Switzerland, N°23.DOI: 10.22019/SC-2020-00006
  • Kriesi, I. and Basler, A. (2020). Le développement des aspirations professionnelles des jeunes en Suisse. Social Change in Switzerland, N°23.DOI: 10.22019/SC-2020-00005
  • Buchmann, Marlis, Irene Kriesi, Sybille Bayard, Fabian Sander, and Stephanie Bundel. 2020. Upward Mobility of Students from Lower-educated Families in Stratified Educational Systems: The Role of Social Capital and Work Habits. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, online first,DOI: 10.1007/s10964-020-01257-3.
  • Grütter, Jeanine and Marlis Buchmann. 2020. Civic Competencies During Adolescence: Longitudinal Associations with Sympathy in Childhood. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, online first,DOI: 10.1007/s10964-020-01240-y.


  • Basler, Ariane and Irene Kriesi. 2019. Geschlechtstypische Berufswünsche verändern sich. skilled 1/19 Motivation: 14-15.
  • Basler, Ariane and Irene Kriesi. 2019. Adolescents' development of occupational aspirations in a tracked and vocation-oriented educational system. Journal of Vocational Behavior 115: 1-14.


  • Zuffianò, Antonio, Stefania Sette, Tyler Colasante, Marlis Buchmann, & Tina Malti. (2018). Cross-informant assessment of children’s sympathy: Disentangling trait and state agreement. Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Section Quantitative Psychology and Measurement. Volume 4, Article 8. doi:10.3389/fams.2018.00008
  • Steinhoff, Annekatrin, and Marlis Buchmann. (2018). „The dynamic relations between perceived parental responsiveness, experiences of ambivalence, and self-esteem development in adolescence“. In: Cultural Psychology of Transgenerational Family Relations: Investigating Ambivalences, edited by Isabelle Albert, Emily Abbey, and Jaan Valsiner. Charlotte: Information Age Publishing.


  • Kanka, M., Wagner, P., Buchmann, M. & Spiel, C. (2017). Gender-stereotyped preferences in child­hood and early adolescence: A comparison of cross-sectional and longitudinal data. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, doi:10.1080/17405629.2017.1365703.
  • Zuffianò, A., Colasante, T., Buchmann, M., Malti, T. (2017). The co-development of sympathy and overt aggression from middle childhood to early adolescence. Developmental Psychology. September 21, 2017. ZORA.
  • Buchmann, M., & Steinhoff, A. (2017). Social inequality, life course transitions, and adolescent development: Introduction to the special issue. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 46 (10), 2083-2090.  doi:10.1007/s10964-017-0740-2.
  • Buchmann, Marlis and Annekatrin Steinhoff. (2017). “Co-Development of Student Agency Components and Its Impact on Educational Attainment—Theoretical and Methodological Considerations.” Research in Human Development, 14:2, 96-105, doi:10.1080/15427609.2017.1305818.
  • Malti, T., Steinhoff, A., & Buchmann, M. (Eds.) (2017). Social Inequality, Life Course Transitions, and Adolescent Development [Special Issue]. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 46 (10).
  • Steinhoff, Annekatrin and Marlis Buchmann. (2017). “Co-Development of Academic Interest and Effortful Engagement and Its Role for Educational Attainment in a Tracked School System.”  Research in Human Development, 14:2, 122-142, doi:10.1080/15427609.2017.1305810.
  • Marlis Buchmann, Katariina Salmela-Aro, Barbara Schneider & Ingrid Schoon. (eds.). (2017). Co-Development of Student Agency Components and Its Impact on Educational Attainment. Special Issue. Research in Human Development 14,2: 95-176.
  • Buchmann, Marlis & Heike Solga. (2017). „Challenges of the third decade of life: The significance of social and psychological resources.“ Longitudinal and Life Course Studies 8,1: 3-4.
  • Buchmann, Marlis, Tina Malti & Heike Solga. (eds.). (2017). "Transition to Young Adulthood: The Significance of Inequalities of Resources an Contextual Variations." Special Issue: Longitudinal and Life Course Research, 8,1: 1-80.
  • Buchmann, Marlis. (2017). „The role of the great recession for the quality of labor market entry in Switzerland: societal climate, job opportunities and young people’s social resources“. Pp. 49-61 in Anne C. Petersen, Frosso Motti-Stefanidi, Silvia H. Kohler, and Suman Verma (eds.) Positive Youth Development in Global Contexts of Economic and Social Change. New York: Routledge.
  • Malti, Tina, Sebastian P. Dys, Lixian Cui & Marlis Buchmann. (2017). “Moral and social antecedents of young adults’ attitudes toward social inequality and social justice values.”  Special Issue “Transition to Young Adulthood: The Significance of Inequalities of Resources and Contextual Variations.”  Longitudinal and Life Course Studies 8,1: 5-19.


  • Malti, Tina, Sophia F. Ongley, Joanna Peplak, Maria P. Chaparro, Marlis Buchmann, Antonio Zuffianò & Lixian Cui. „Children’s sympathy, guilt, and moral reasoning in helping, cooperation, and sharing: A 6-year longitudinal study.” Child Development. 87, no 6 (2016): 1783-1795.
  • Buchmann, Marlis, Irene Kriesi, Maarten Koomen, Christian Imdorf & Ariane Basler. „Differentiation in secondary education and inequality in educational opportunities: The case of Switzerland.” Pp. 111-128 in Hanspeter Blossfeld, Sandra Buchholz, Jan Skopek & Morris Triventi (eds.), Models of Secondary Education and Social Inequality: An International Comparison. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
  • Daniel, Ella, Dys, Sebastian P., Buchmann, Marlis & Malti, Tina. „Developmental trajectories of social justice values in adolescence: Relations with sympathy and friendship quality.” Social Development. 25, no 3 (2016): 548-564.


  • Malti, Tina, Sybille Bayard und Marlis Buchmann. „Mitgefühl, sozialen Verstehen und prosoziales Verhalten: Kompetenzen sozialer Handlungsfähigkeit in der Kindheit. Pp. 53-71 in Tina Malti und Sonja Perren (Hrsg.) Soziale Kompetenz bei Kindern und Jugendlichen. 2. Überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 2015.
  • Kriesi, Irene, and Marlis Buchmann. “L’entrée à l’école et son influence sur la réussite scolaire future: quelles différences entre filles et garçons?” In: Les inégalités scolaires en Suisse, edited by Georges Felouzis and Gaelle Goastellec. Bern: Collection Exploration Peter Lang, 2015.


  • Bayard, Sybille; Staffelbach, Monika; Fischer, Philipp; Buchmann, Marlis. „Upper-secondary educational trajectories and young men’s and women’s self-esteem development in Switzerland.“ In: Psychological, educational and sociological perspectives on success and well-being in career development edited by Keller Anita; Samuel, Robin; Bergman, Max M., Semmer, Nobert K., 19-44. Wiesbaden, Springer Verlag, 2014.
  • Bayard, Sybille, Tina Malti, und Marlis Buchmann.  „Prosoziales Verhalten in mittlerer Kindheit und Adoleszenz: die Rolle von inner- und ausserfamilialen Beziehungen.“ Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie. 46, no. 3 (2014): 145-154.
  • Daniel, Ella, Dys, Sebastian P., Buchmann, Marlis & Malti, Tina. Developmental relations between sympathy, moral emotion attributions, moral reasoning, and social justice values from childhood to early adolescence. Journal of Adolescence. 37 (2014): 1201-1214.
  • Krettenauer, Tobias, Tyler Colasante, Marlis Buchmann, and Tina Malti. “The Development of Moral Emotions and Decision-Making from Adolescence to Early Adulthood: A 6-Year Longitudinal Study.” Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 43(4) (2014): 583-596. doi:10.1007/s10964-013-9994-5.
  • Kriesi, Irene, and Marlis Buchmann. “Beginning School Transition and Academic Achievement in Mid-Elementary School: Does Gender Matter?” In: Gender Differences in Aspirations and Attainment: A Life Course Perspective, edited by Ingrid Schoon and Jacquelynne Eccles. 53-78. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014.


  • Paroz, Anne-Laure. La transmission familiale des inégalités. Les pratiques culturelles adolescentes et la réussite scolaire.Saarbrücken: Editions universitaires européennes, 2013. ISBN : 978-613-1-56653-0.
  • Bayard Walpen, Sybille. Obligatorischer Schulabschluss – wie weiter?: Zur Bedeutung von Kompetenzeinschätzungen für den Übertritt in eine nachobligatorische Ausbildung. Zürich: Seismo, 2013. ISBN: 978-3037771235.
  • Buchmann, Marlis. “Bildungsungleichheiten als Gesellschaftliche Herausforderung in der Schweiz.” In: Bildungsungleichheit und Gerechtigkeit: Wissenschaftliche und Gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen, edited by Rolf Becker, Patrick Bühler, and Thomas Bühler, 53–70. 1. ed. Bern: Haupt, 2013. ISBN: 978-3258078236.
  • Malti, Tina, Nancy Eisenberg, Hyunji Kim, and Marlis Buchmann. “Developmental Trajectories of Sympathy, Moral Emotion Attributions, and Moral Reasoning: The Role of Parental Support.” Social Development 10 (2013): 1–21. doi:10.1111/sode.12031.


  • Bayard, Sybille, Monika Staffelbach, and Marlis Buchmann.“Wertentwicklung bei Schweizer Jugendlichen nach diskontinuierlichen Übergängen in die nachobligatorische Ausbildung.” In: Jugend und Arbeit. Empirische Bestandesaufnahme und Analysen, edited by Jürgen Mansel, Dagmar Hoffmann, and Karsten Speck, 213–230. Weinheim, Basel, Beltz: Juventa Verlag, 2012. ISBN: 978-3779917601.
  • Buchmann, Marlis, and Irene Kriesi. “Geschlechtstypische Berufswahl Jugendlicher. Begabungszuschreibungen, Aspirationen und Institutionen.” Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie Sonderheft 2012. Soziologische Bildungsforschung (2012): 256–280. doi:10.1007/978-3-658-00120-9_11.
  • Buchmann, Marlis, and Irene Kriesi. “Welche Rolle spielt das Geschlecht für den Schuleintritt und die Schulleistungen im mittleren Primarschulalter?” In: (Re-)Produktion Sozialer Ungleichheiten, edited by Susanne Busse, Sabine Sandring, Anne Schippling, Edina Schneider, and Susanne Siebholz, 29–41. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, “Studien zur Schul- und Bildungsforschung” des ZSB, 2012. doi:10.1007/978-3-531-18988-8_3.
  • Buchmann, Marlis, and Irene Kriesi. “Educational Success and Adolescents’ Well-Being in Switzerland.” Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Soziologie 38, no. 2. Special Issue Persistent Social Inequalities (June 2012). ZORA.
  • Kriesi, Irene, Sybille Bayard, and Marlis Buchmann. “Die Bedeutung von Kompetenzen im Vorschulalter für den Schuleintritt.” In: Bildung – Arbeit – Erwachsenwerden. Ein Interdisziplinärer Blick auf die Transition im Jugend- und jungen Erwachsenenalter, edited by Manfred Max Bergman, Sandra Hupka-Brunner, Thomas Meyer, and Robin Samuel, 160–180. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2012. doi:10.1007/978-3-531-19071-6_8.
  • Malti, Tina, Michaela Gummerum, Monika Keller, Maria Paula Chaparro, and Marlis Buchmann. “Early Sympathy and Social Acceptance Predict the Development of Sharing in Children” edited by Tiziana Zalla. PLoS ONE 7(12):e52017. (December 2012). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0052017.
  • Malti, Tina, Monika Keller, and Marlis Buchmann. “Do Moral Choices Make Us Feel Good? The Development of Adolescents’ Emotions Following Moral Decision Making.” Journal for Research on Adolescence (December 4, 2012). doi:10.1111/jora.12005 .


  • Buchmann, Marlis. “Transition from School-to-Work.” In: Encyclopedia of Adolescence, 2: 306–313. San Diego: Academic Press, 2011. ISBN: 978-0-12-373951-3.
  • Buchmann, Marlis, and Irene Kriesi. “Transition to Adulthood in Europe.” Annual Review of Sociology 37(1):481–503. (August 2011). (doi:10.1146/annurev-soc-081309-150212).
  • Schmid, Tina, Irene Kriesi, and Marlis Buchmann. “Wer nutzt familienergänzende Kinderbetreuung? Die Betreuungssituation 6-jähriger Kinder in der Schweiz.” Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Soziologie 37, no. 1 (2011): 9–32. ZORA.


  • Buchmann, Marlis, and Irene Kriesi. “Schuleintritt und Schulleistungen im mittleren Primarschulalter.” Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Soziologie 36, no. 2 (2010): 325–344.
  • Malti, Tina, and Marlis Buchmann. “The Development of Moral Emotions in Early Childhood.” Praxis der Kinderpsychologie und Kinderpsychiatrie 59, no. 7 (2010): 545–560.


  • Buchmann, Marlis, and Irene Kriesi. “Escaping the Gender Trap: Young Women’s Transition into Non-traditional Occupations.” In: Transition from School to Work: Globalisation, Individualisation, and Patterns of Diversity, edited by Ingrid Schoon and Rainer K. Silbereisen, 193–215. Cambridge/New York: Cambridge University Press, 2009.
  • Malti, Tina, and Marlis Buchmann. “Socialization and Individual Antecedents of Adolescents’ and Young Adults’ Moral Motivation.” Journal of Youth and Adolescence 39(2):138–149. (2009). doi:10.1007/s10964-009-9400-5.
  • Malti, Tina, Luciano Gasser, and Marlis Buchmann. “Aggressive and Prosocial Children’s Emotion Attributions and Moral Reasoning.” Aggressive Behavior 35(1):90–102. (2009). doi:10.1002/ab.20289.
  • Malti, Tina, Michaela Gummerum, Monika Keller, and Marlis Buchmann. “Children’s Moral Motivation, Sympathy, and Prosocial Behavior.” Child Development 80(2):442–460. (2009). doi:10.1111/j.1467-8624.2009.01271.x.
  • Malti, Tina, Sonja Perren, and Marlis Buchmann. 2009. “Children’s Peer Victimization, Empathy, and Emotional Symptoms.” Child Psychiatry & Human Development 41(1):98–113. (2009). (doi:10.1007/s10578-009-0155-8).


  • Schultheis, Franz, Pasqualina Perrig-Chiello, and Stephan Egger, eds. Kindheit und Jugend in der Schweiz: Ergebnisse des nationalen Forschungsprogramms “Kindheit, Jugend und Generationenbeziehungen im gesellschaftlichen Wandel.” Weinheim/Basel: Beltz, 2008. ISBN: 9783407254986.
  • Keller, Monika, and Tina Malti. “Sozialisation sozio-moralischer Kompetenzen.” In: Handbuch der Sozialisationsforschung, edited by Klaus Hurrelmann, Matthias Grundmann, and Sabine Walper, 410–424. Weinheim: Beltz, 2008. ISBN-13: 9783407831606.
  • Krettenauer, Tobias, Tina Malti, and Bryan W. Sokol. “The Development of Moral Emotions and the Happy Victimizer Phenomenon: A Critical Review of Theory and Applications.” European Journal of Developmental Science 2(3):221–235. (2008).
  • Kriesi, Irene, Tina Malti, and Marlis Buchmann. “Job Values of Adolescents and Young Adults in Switzerland.” in 12th Biennial Meeting of the Society of Research on Adolescence. Chicago, 2008.
  • Kriesi, Irene, Regina Scherrer, and Marlis Buchmann. “Die Bewältigung des Schuleintritts von Kindern in der Schweiz.” In: Kindheit und Jugend in der Schweiz, edited by Franz Schultheis, Pasqualina Perrig-Chiello, and Stephan Egger, 82–88. Weinheim/Basel: Beltz, 2008.
  • Malti, Tina. “Integrative Förderung moralischer Kompetenz in Kindergarten und Primarstufe.” 4 bis 8 – Fachzeitschrift für Kindergarten und Unterstufe 11–13. (2008) ZORA.
  • Malti, Tina. “Empathy and Development in At-risk Youth: A Clinical-developmental Perspective.” in 20th Biennial ISSBD Meeting. Würzburg, 2008.
  • Malti, Tina, Sybille Bayard, and Marlis Buchmann. “Mitgefühl, soziales Verstehen und prosoziales Verhalten als Komponenten sozialer Handlungsfähigkeit in der Kindheit.” In: Soziale Kompetenz bei Kindern und Jugendlichen. Entwicklungsprozesse und Förderungsmöglichkeiten, edited by Tina Malti and Sonja Perren, 52–69. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 2008. ISBN-13: 9783170198470.
  • Malti, Tina, Sybille Bayard, and Marlis Buchmann. “Familienbeziehungen, Familienstruktur und prosoziales Verhalten in der Adoleszenz.” In: Kindheit und Jugend in der Schweiz, edited by Franz Schultheis, Pasqualina Perrig-Chiello, and Stephan Egger, 72–77 . Weinheim/Basel: Beltz, 2008.
  • Malti, Tina, Irene Kriesi, and Marlis Buchmann. “Adolescent’s Prosocial Behavior, Sympathy, and Moral Reasoning.” In: Getting involved: Global citizenship development and sources of moral values, edited by Fritz Oser and Wiel Veugeler, 131–146. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, 2008. ISBN-13: 9789087906351.
  • Malti, Tina, and G. G. Noam. Where Youth Development Meets Mental Health and Education: The RALLY Approach, edited by Tina Malti and G. G. Noam. San Francisco, California, US: Jossey-Bass, 2008.
  • Malti, Tina, and Sonja Perren. Soziale Kompetenz bei Kindern und Jugendlichen: Entwicklungsprozesse und Förderungsmöglichkeiten, edited by Tina Malti and Sonja Perren. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 2008.
  • Malti, Tina, and Sonja Perren. “Einführung.” In: Soziale Kompetenz bei Kindern und Jugendlichen: Entwicklungsprozesse und Förderungsmöglichkeiten, edited by Tina Malti and Sonja Perren, 9–12. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 2008.
  • Perren, Sonja, and Tina Malti. “Soziale Kompetenz entwickeln: Synthese und Ausblick.” In: Soziale Kompetenz bei Kindern und Jugendlichen: Entwicklungsprozesse und Förderungsmöglichkeiten, edited by Sonja Perren and Tina Malti, 265-274. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 2008. ISBN 978-3170198470.


  • Bayard, Sybille, Marlis Buchmann, and Scherrer Regina. “Nicht-Passung zwischen Berufswunsch und Besuchtem Schulniveau an der ersten Schwelle.” In: Übergänge Im Bildungswesen, edited by Thomas Eckert, 105–124. Münster: Waxmann Verlag, 2007. ISBN 978-3-8309-1867-7.
  • Kriesi, Irene, Tina Malti, and Marlis Buchmann. Wertorientierungen jugendlicher und junger Erwachsener in der Schweiz. Auswertungen des Schweizerischen Kinder- und Jugendsurvey COCON im Auftrag der Stiftung Zürcher Unternehmerforum. Zürich: Zürcher Unternehmerforum, 2007.
  • Malti, Tina. “Moral Emotions and Aggressive Behavior in Childhood.” In: Emotions and Aggressive Behavior, edited by G. Steffgen and M. Gollwitzer, 185–200. Göttingen: Hogrefe & Huber, 2007.
  • Buchmann, Marlis. “Stadien der Kindheit, der Adoleszenz und des späten Jugendalters: Schweizerischer Kinder- und Jugensurvey COCON. In: Werkstattbericht: ch-x, 18: 22-23. (2007).
  • Malti, Tina, Michaela Gummerum, and Marlis Buchmann. “Contemporaneous and 1-Year Longitudinal Prediction of Children’s Prosocial Behavior from Sympathy and Moral Motivation.” The Journal of Genetic Psychology 168(3):277–299. (2007) doi:10.3200/GNTP.168.3.277-300.

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