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Jacobs Center for Productive Youth Development

Verlauf, Wendepunkte und Prävention von Verhaltensproblemen

z-proso Symposium

October 26, 2018, 15-17 PM
Jacobs Haus, Seefeldquai 17, 8008 Zürich

A non-public event

Vorschaubild Workshop

October 16, 2018

The Zurich Project of Social Development from Childhood to Adulthood (z-proso) is an internationally significant long-term study that has tracked the development of 1,675 young people since they entered first grade at elementary schools in the city of Zurich in the autumn of 2004. In September 2018, researchers completed the eighth wave of surveys of the study participants, who have since grown into young adults.

Thanks to this data collection effort, the study provides a well-found- ed look into the development of young people at the beginning of the 21st century. Questions about the causes and consequences of aggression and being victimized were central at the beginning of the study and have remained an important focal point of the research.

However, other questions were added over the course of the project, for instance perceptions of the law and the police, the causes of substance use and the dynamics of mental health.

Brochure (PDF, 4 MB)
Programm (PDF, 466 KB)

All talks on video

  • Sandro Giuliani

    Welcome Address

  • Prof. Dr. Michael Shanahan

    Welcome Address

  • Dr. Denis Ribeaud

    The z-proso long-term study: An overview

  • Prof. Dr. Manuel Eisner

    Psychosocial development and violence: Key findings and implications for prevention

  • Prof. Dr. Daniel Nagin

    The international significance of z-proso for criminological research: Past achievements and future perspectives

  • PD Dr. Marcel Aebi

    The significance of the study for youth forensic psychiatry

  • Prof. Dr. Urs Hepp

    Implications for an integrated prevention policy

  • Jacqueline Fehr

    Ms Minister of Justice Jacqueline Fehr

    Effective prevention and intervention from a political perspective

  • Vorschaubild

