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Jacobs Center for Productive Youth Development

Life in Quarantine for adolescents and young adults

How do adolescents and young adults perceive the novel coronavirus/COVID-19 and how do they cope with the new challenges during such an extraordinary situation?


We asked adolescents and young adults from German and Italian speaking parts of Switzerland as well as youth in Italy about their perception of the virus (e.g., risks, fears, strategies and recommended behaviour), civic engagement, the experience of friendships and family and how adolescents deal with the home-schooling routine.

First results are shown in this outlet. It is specifically designed for adolescents and include specific advice on how to counteract social isolation and how to structure an effective home-schooling environment.

We are currently analysing the results to provide scientific foundations for a more targeted support for young people in future situations.

Principal investigators: Dr. Jeanine Grütter & Prof. Marlis Buchmann
Student research team: Sarah Bunz, Isabel Brünecke, Prisca Cadamuro, Paola Citterio, Lena Dändliker, Eli Eggenberg, Fabienne Lochmatter, & Leonie Graf

Cocon team


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