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Jacobs Center for Productive Youth Development

Prof. Nora Raschle will be a part of URPP "Adaptive Brain Circuits in Development and Learning"

Prof. Nora Raschle will be a part of the collaborative and interdisciplinary University Research Priority Program entitled "Adaptive Brain Circuits in Development and Learning".



The University of Zurich is introducing five new University Research Priority Programs focusing on equal opportunities, human reproduction, rare diseases, digital religions and basic principles of learning. With these programs, UZH is opening new avenues for innovative research in areas relevant to our society.

With the five new University Research Priority Programs (URPP), UZH is fostering cross-disciplinary cooperation between researchers working in fields that are relevant to society. By linking up different academic disciplines, the URPP pave the way for a broader range of approaches and explanations. “With our URPP, we want to promote innovative research areas that are relevant for the future and help researchers break into new terrain,” says Beatrice Beck Schimmer, Vice President Medicine and member of the Executive Board of the University.

The latest series of URPP, which will kick off from 1 January 2021, represents the third generation of joint research projects at the University of Zurich.  

“An ideal funding instrument” (UZH News, 25.8.2020)
