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Jacobs Center for Productive Youth Development

New Grant Awarded to Prof. Raschle

Prof. Nora M. Raschle received a joint collaborative young scholarship grant from the Jacobs Foundation.

Vorschaubild Sophie von Stumm

New grant awarded to Prof. Raschle

Does Biobehavioral Synchrony Promote Learning? Prof. Nora M. Raschle from the Jacobs Center received a joint collaborative young scholarship grant from the Jacobs Foundation to address this question, together with Professors Camelia E. Hostinar (University of California, Davis) and Carolina de Weerth (Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition & Behavior, Radboud University Medical Center, Netherlands). Their joint project will investigate different forms of biobehavioral synchrony and how such synchrony influences learning and development over time. The project will also strengthen collaboration between the three universities, including by supporting research exchanges for PhD students.

Congratulations to Prof. Raschle and colleagues!

