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Jacobs Center for Productive Youth Development

New Article in Suedkurier

How can parents support their children during self-isolation and quarantine? 

Interview with Jeanine Grütter (in German)

Vorschaubild Jeanine Grütter

Our post-doctoral research associate, Dr. Jeanine Grütter spoke with “Suedkurier” (in German), highlighting the importance of parents as a role model for their children, including for remaining calm. Children rely on their parents as a source of information, therefore, panicked actions such as hamster purchases send the wrong signal to their children (i.e., that there is not enough food). Instead, parents can provide feelings of safety by keeping daily routines as much as possible. In addition, parents can communicate objective information about the virus in a child-friendly way, through stories, drawings, or videos. The message should be that children can help by washing their hands and keeping distance from people outside the family. Parents can also monitor their children for potential anxieties, correct misinformation, and find new ways to stay connected with friends and grandparents that do not rely on physical proximity. For adolescents, the current situation is a very good opportunity to understand complex social issues and to practice solidarity.

Full article
