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Jacobs Center for Productive Youth Development

z-proso International Research Network Meeting, Córdoba, Spain, 2020

In February 2020, the “z-proso International Research Network" (zIReN) met in Córdoba, Spain.

Researchers from around the world who work with the Zurich Study of Social Development from Childhood to Adulthood (z-proso) came together to share their latest findings, plan future data collections and collaborations, and strengthen connections among the research teams. Many of the presentations focused on bullying/victimizations, violent behaviors/ideations, and substance use.

A big thank you to our amazing hosts, Izabela Zych and Vicente Llorent, who organized a fantastic academic program and also made all the visitors feel at home in their beautiful city.

Article about the event at the Violence Research Centre (University of Cambridge)

Booklet with presentation abstracts (PDF, 17 MB)

