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Jacobs Center for Productive Youth Development

Dr. Helge Liebert -- Swiss Award for Educational Research

Congratulations to our Jacobs Center economist, Dr. Helge Liebert, who was a recipient of the “Swiss Award for Educational Research” 2021, along with his colleagues Beatrix Eugster and Simone Balestra!

Helge Liebert

Congratulations to our Jacobs Center economist, Dr. Helge Liebert, who was a recipient of the “Swiss Award for Educational Research” 2021, along with his colleagues Beatrix Eugster and Simone Balestra! The team received the award for its work on the integration of students with special educational needs in schools. With their work, the researchers provided new insights on the integration of students with special educational needs in Switzerland. For example, their findings have implications for assignment practices at schools. The award was presented at a ceremony in Bern attended by the head of the Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research, President Guy Parmelin, and the president of the Swiss Conference of Cantonal Ministers of Education, Cantonal Councillor Dr. Silvia Steiner (Zurich). More info about the award and pictures of the award ceremony can be found at this link.

Information about the award, the press release and the award-winning publication can be found here.

