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Jacobs Center for Productive Youth Development

Workshop by Profs. N. Raschle and L. Shanahan

Workshop on professional networking organized by the “R” peer mentoring group of the University of Zurich.


Professors Nora Raschle and Lilly Shanahan recently each led a session at a workshop on professional networking.  The workshop was organized by the “R” peer mentoring group of the University of Zurich. This group is organized by Jacobs Center PhD students Lydia Johnson-Ferguson and Laura Bechtiger, among others.

The R group initiative aims to connect R users with different backgrounds and career levels. It also organizes career talk series, roundtable discussions, and other workshops. Jacobs Center PhD students are active organizers of and participants in this group.

Peer Mentoring Projekt R Group (R)

Jacobs Center
