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Jacobs Center for Productive Youth Development

SNF grant for Lilly Shanahan and Boris Quednow

Boris Quednow and Lilly Shanahan received an SNF grant for a new project that illuminates the role of early substance use on cognitive functioning in young adults.

Professors Boris Quednow and Lilly Shanahan received funding of CHF 582,399 for a new SNF project, entitled: “Cognitive Sequelea of Adolescent Recreational Substance Use.” In this project, they leverage data from the Zurich Project on the Social Development from Childhood to Adulthood (z-proso) from ages 7 to 24 to illuminate the role of early substance use in young adult cognitive functions. The project will examine both subjective and objective measures of current and past substance use as predictors of young adults’ cognitive performance. Dr. Markus Baumgartner from the UZH Institute of Forensic Medicine also serves as project partner of this new project.

Jacobs Center
