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Jacobs Center for Productive Youth Development

How do young children acquire socio-emotional skills?

In the new issue of the magazine "undKinder" from the Marie Meierhofer Institut für das Kind, Nora Maria Raschle, Elena Federici and Sabine Gysi describe what shapes socio-emotional behavior.

MMI Magazin

A lovingly designed new issue of the MMI Magazine "undKinder" is here. It's all about the emotions of young children. An article by Nora Raschle, Elena Federici and Sabine Gysi, "The development of the social brain", explains how biology, environment and development shape our socioemotional behavior. This is an important topic because, according to the authors, we as adults "have the privilege and responsibility to accompany children on the journey of their socio-emotional development; on the way to an emotionally stable personality that can find its way in life and in society. A personality that can pursue their individual goals and realize their potential - whatever that may be!"

Order the magazine "undKinder" (Nr.113) (in German only)
