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Jacobs Center for Productive Youth Development

Cognitive and Affective Theory of Mind Cartoon task (CAToon)

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CAToon is a task developed to measure affective and cognitive Theory of Mind (ToM) abilities from childhood to adulthood.

Please read the information below about the material, which will be provided within the download:

  • The contains the CAToon task, consisting of 30 stories - 10 affective ToM (AT), 10 cognitive ToM (CT), and 10 physical causality (PC) trials. Each story consists of 4 images, resulting in 120 images. Images of the main task must not be displayed in online or printed form (i.e., webpages, posters, publications, any type of media). Please use one of the example trials displayed below.
  • A detailed description of the task is also included in the download (CAToon_task_description.pdf).
  • The includes 3 practice trials (1 of each condition) labelled AT_example, CT_example, PC_example. These stimuli were created for (1) participants to practice before completing the actual task, (2) use in publications as an example of the task.  


The stimulus material can be requested for non-profit academic research purposes by filling out the form below (CAToon Statement of Use and Request Form.pdf).

After team members of the NMR Kids Lab have received and reviewed the signed and scanned form, you will be provided with personalized login data within 10 days.

Please send the form or any questions concerning the stimulus material to:

CAToon Statement of Use and Request Form (PDF, 248 KB)


View a larger version of the image (or right-click and view image in new tab)

Figure. Three CAToon example trials demonstrating all conditions included in this task: one trial of affective ToM (experimental condition; top row), one trial of cognitive ToM (experimental condition; middle row), and one trial of physical causality (control condition; bottom row). The timeline shows the presentation duration for each image presented during one trial.



Borbás R, Fehlbaum LV, Rudin U, Stadler C, & Raschle, NM (2021). Neural correlates of Theory of Mind in children and adults using CAToon: introducing an open-source child-friendly neuroimaging task. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience.

Link to paper (

Link to t-maps in the adult group (n = 27)
Link to t-maps in the child group (n=33)