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Jacobs Center for Productive Youth Development

New article accepted at Neuroimage Clinical by the NMR Kids Lab Team

New article "Eye gaze patterns and functional brain responses during emotional face processing in adolescents with conduct disorder" accepted at Neuroimage Clinical by the NMR Kids Lab Team.

Nora Raschle
In "Eye gaze patterns and functional brain responses during emotional face processing in adolescents with conduct disorder" Prof. Nora Raschle and her team show that adolescents with a diagnosis of conduct disorder (CD) show reduced brain activations during emotional face processing in right anterior insula when compared to their typically developing peers, independent of the emotion presented. In-scanner eye-tracking data revealed that adolescents with CD spend significantly less time on the eye, but not mouth region. Correcting for eye gaze behavior during emotional face processing reduced the neuronal group differences previously observed for right insula. This could indicate that neuronal group differences when processing emotional faces may partly be explained by attentional mechanisms or a reduced focus towards the eyes in individuals with CD. Full Article
