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Jacobs Center for Productive Youth Development

Talk by Prof. Dr. Terrie Moffitt

The Jacobs Encounters in Developmental Science from an Interdisciplinary Perspective (J.E.D.I. Symposium)

November 19, 2021, 14:00 h

Department of Psychology, Binzmühlestr. 14, Zürich, BIN 1.B.01

Vorschaubild Terrie Moffitt

Measuring the pace of biological aging in young people: Prevention opportunities


Our team has developed a new measure of an individual’s personal pace of current biological aging. It is designed to detect change in randomized clinical trials aiming to extend years of healthy life. To develop the new measure, we tracked decline in seven organ systems by repeatedly assessing 19 biomarkers at age 26, 32, 38, and 45, in a population-representative 1972 birth cohort of 1000 individuals. The measure, now implementable as a blood test called DunedinPACE, is the only aging measure trained on biological change. It has strong test-retest reliability and strong predictive validity in cohorts of men, women, different ethnic groups, and age groups. The talk will explain the advantages DunedinPACE offers over methylation clocks. That people born the same year are now ageing at very different rates has implications for how we think about aging as a social justice issue.

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The talk will be followed by an Apéro.
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